Minor Eye Conditions Service
Focus Medical Eye Centre has engaged in community ophthalmology for many years having IP specialist Optometrists and Consultant Ophthalmologists working within their team. The practice can assess and manage all the eye conditions that the Minor eye conditions service used to welcome. This service came to an end at the end of December 2023 due to limited finances from the Sussex Integrated Care Board.
We have decided to incorporate MECS type emergency care into our existing monthly care plan or offer a Pay As You Go option. Patients will have access to various eye specialists quickly which means we can manage almost 90% of cases in house instead of a patient needing to wait and visit: GP’s, A&E and Ophthalmology services.
Please call us on : 01323 442062 if you have any of the following symptoms and would like to join our careplan or pay to be assessed
- Red eye or eyelids – pain or no pain
- Dry Eye, or gritty and uncomfortable eyes
- Worsening Dry Eye
- Eyelid problems
- Irritation and inflammation of the eye
- Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
- Recently occurring flashes or floaters
- Ingrowing eyelashes
- Recent and sudden loss of vision
- Foreign body or contact lens removal from the eye
- Ocular pain
- Visual field defect or patient reporting sudden onset field defects
- Sudden blurry vision
- Sudden double vision
How do I book an appointment?
To make an appointment, please call us on 01323 442062. You will be asked some questions about your symptoms, in order to assess how quickly you need to be seen. This will be within 24 hours in urgent cases and within a few days for routine appointments.
Please take your glasses and a list of your current medication with you to the appointment. The optometrist may put drops in your eyes to enlarge your pupils in order to get a better view inside your eyes.
You should not drive until the effects of these drops have worn off, which may take a few hours. If your condition is more serious, the optometrist will book you an urgent appointment at a hospital eye clinic. If you need a routine appointment with a hospital, the optometrist will organise this for you. You may also be advised to make an appointment with your GP if your eye condition is related to your general health.
What happens if I need a Prescription Only Medicine prescribed?
Focus Medical Eye Centre is a rather unique practice. Both Anthony and Amanda Bahadur are Independent Prescribing Optometrists and Mr Kashani is a Consultant Ophthalmologist. All of these practitioners can prescribe, treat and manage more complex eye conditions in house in addition to the more simple conditions. An example would be prescribing and management of recurrent anterior uveitis where this can be treated in house without the need to refer to a hospital. Charges may apply for treatment of more complex eye conditions requiring specialist prescribing and subsequent follow ups.
If you have any questions about the services or products we offer please contact our team and they will do their best to help you.
What our customers are saying
I was concerned that something wasn’t right with my vision. Amanda saw me the same day of my concern, conducted some scans and found the problem with my eyes immediately. She referred me to the Eye Department at Eastbourne DGH without fail and I had an appointment the following Monday where the consultant wanted to run some more tests. I saw another consultant three days later and had laser eye surgery that day for a problem where I could have lost my sight. I cannot recommend Focus Medical Eye Centre highly enough, from the receptionists to the opticians; nothing was too much trouble. I feel so fortunate to have these wonderful people looking after me and my eyes.
With grateful thanks
Wendy Calver