Childrens Eye Tests

What do we check?

Focus Medical Eye Centre can test a child’s eyesight from the age of 2, using picture targets. The whole aim is to focus on making their experience fun and get them used to coming in to the optician. For childrens eye tests, we check eye health, along with assessing vision in both eyes. Also ensuring that children have normal colour vision and depth perception. Focus Medical Eye Centre are also able to offer a visual dyslexia assessment with coloured overlays. As well as full School Vision assessments for children with more complex eye related difficulties. We stock a range of fun, popular children’s frames including designer frames and also exceptionally comfortable fitting ranges.

How can I book a Childrens sight test?

There are 3 ways to access a Childrens sight test at Focus Medical Eye Centre:

Firstly, if a parent is on our Advanced Clinical Care Plan we will examine one child under the plan for free (worth £45.00) and cover the cost of basic single vision lenses ( worth £75.00) offering excellent value for money. If two parents are on the care plan we will cover all children in that family.

Secondly, under 21’s can have an eye examination including Optomap wide field retinal imaging on a Pay As You Go basis for £45.00

Thirdly, we have kept a very limited amount of basic NHS funded childrens eye examination slots on a Friday afternoon. Please call for more details.

What is School Vision?

A school vision assessment is designed to explore why a child is having difficulties at school. More specifically, it looks at reading difficulties and dyslexia, allowing practitioners to dramatically alter learning outcomes for those affected. Muscle balance, eye dominancy, tracking, reading speed and colour preferences are all assessed. Along with our childrens eye tests and the need for spectacles to aid clear focus when reading. The benefits for children of school vision therapy are:

  • better school performance
  • increased reading speed
  • better at arithmetic
  • increased self-esteem / confidence
  • clearer writing
  • increased concentration
  • decreased tiredness & anxiety
  • reduction of headaches / migraines
  • calming effect (in children with hyperactivity)

Please note School Vision Assessment is a non NHS specialist service.

Does your child need help!

Is your child having difficulties at school, why not arrange a School Visions Assessment; we check eye health along with assessing vision in both eyes and ensuring children have normal colour vision and depth perception. We are able to offer visual dyslexia assessment with coloured overlays and full School Vision assessments for children with more complex eye related difficulties.

What is visual stress and Coloured Overlay Assessment?

Visual stress (Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome) causes children to see visual perceptual distortions when they read. Research indicates that this is related to the pattern of stripes that text forms on the page. Children report letters and words blurring, moving, sometimes doubling and they may see colours, shapes, and patterns on the page. Sufferers often experience eyestrain and headaches with reading and may rub their eyes or blink excessively. Children typically skip or omit words or lines and read slowly, although these observations could result from a reading difficulty rather than a visual problem.

Visual stress can affect about 1 in 3 of children or adults with specific learning difficulties and is more common in dyslexia. In children, the symptoms of visual stress are greatly alleviated by using coloured filters and primarily in the form of coloured overlays (sheets of coloured plastic placed over text when reading). Focus Medical Eye Centre is able to offer full Coloured Overlay Assessments for individuals who may be suffering from Visual Stress. This may be best assessed as part of a full school Vision assessment.

What our customers are saying

Could not recommend more highly. The staff are committed to your health and making sure you are informed and have a positive experience. More than just an eye test, you should visit them soon.

Nick Williamson

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