Adult Eye Tests

Committed to excellence in eye care

Here at Focus Medical Eye Centre we are committed to providing a comprehensive and personal eye care service with our adult eye tests. Our specialist practitioners use the latest technology. For this we will ensure that we give you the most thorough eye health examination possible.

Our Adult eye examination covers an extended eye health check along with vision assessment and spectacle prescribing. Focus Medical Eye Centre provide a comfortable 45 minute examination including all diagnostic scans and addressing any concerns and symptoms. We also provide visual field testing and other supplementary tests as required. As well as onward specialist referral if necessary.

Please see the information about our Eye Care Plans

Investing in the latest technology

Our enhanced examination includes Optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging. This technology takes your eye examination to a new level. We can view over 80% of your retina compared to 15-20% achievable with traditional methods. Your basic NHS examination for adult eye tests is only funded to actually check 15-20% of the retina. The condition of the retina mirrors the health of the body and can indicate signs of other diseases such as Diabetes and Hypertension. An ultra-widefield scan of the retina can detect small holes or tears. These could otherwise lead to full retinal detachment without treatment. Which is why our eye care professionals strongly recommend an Optomap examination. The procedure is painless and there are no drops required. So you can drive afterwards and the results are instant.

Optomap graphic

Enhanced Eye Examinations

Our Enhanced Ultimate eye examination features the latest technology called an OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography). An OCT takes a 3D cross sectional scan of the different layers of the retina and optic nerve similar to an MRI scan. By examining these underlying structures, we can see perhaps for the first time, what is going on under the retina.  And therefore totally assess your optic nerve health. We may pick up problems within your eye that could not be easily noticed before, even by you. This helps us with detection of a number of eye health issues at a much earlier stage. In particular Macula Degeneration and Glaucoma. This technology also allows us to monitor progression objectively.

For the very best examination we offer the Enhanced Ultimate Examination. This combines the technologies of Optomap and OCT to provide the most thorough examination of the eye possible. We are happy to discuss which type of adult eye tests and eye examination will be best suited for your needs prior to and during your eye examination.

What our customers are saying

Staff professional and friendly, and so great when needed help to remove a stuck contact lens from eye !!

Elizabeth Hunt

If you have any questions about our adult eye tests or any services or products we offer please contact our team and they will do their best to help you.

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