Optometrists in Bexhill

If you’re in Bexhill and looking for a local optician and optometrist, then please take a look at Focus Medical Eye Centre. We are only down the road in Hailsham with plenty of free parking available within the town. Award-winning local opticians with qualified, optometrists, opticians, and ophthalmologists. We’re all here working to give you the best service we can! There are possibly lots of opticians and optometrists in Bexhill already. But if you want a surgery that can meet all your eye needs then why not get in touch.

Who is an Optometrist?

An Optometrist is the primary provider of vision care. They have completed a degree in Optometry and have spent a minimum of 4 years in study before qualifying. They are registered with the General Optic Council who oversee standards and codes of practice within the profession. An optometrist can examine and diagnose vision difficulties or diseases of the eye. They can test and prescribe spectacles or contact lenses and other medical treatments.

Some Optometrists choose to specialise and undertake further training and qualifications. A prescribing Optometrist can prescribe medications for the treatment of various eye conditions and has become an ‘eye GP’ in effect. Other specialities can include Paediatrics including School Vision, Glaucoma and Medical Retina including Age Related Macula Degeneration.

Please note: Anthony is a fully qualified Prescribing Optometrist in addition to being a Hospital Specialist Optometrist. Amanda is a fully qualified School Vision Childrens Specialist Practitioner in addition to her normal roles.


We are also priviliged to have Mr Shahram Kashani, lead Consultant Ophthalmologist at East Sussex NHS trust. Mr Kashani specialises in the diagnosis, management and treatment of retinal diseases. If you need to see our ophthamologist, then please get in touch.

Using The New Slit Lamp

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Working as optometrists in Bexhill, we see customers from all around the area of East Sussex, including Polegate, Heathfield, Herstmonceux, Pevensey, Horam and even Eastbourne.

If you have any questions or would like further information about our services, please do not hesitate to contact the practice of info@focusmedicaleyecentre.co.uk or by calling 01323 442062.

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